FAQ for Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Assessors certification
1) What is the role of an EEO Assessor?
An EEO Assessor is an industrial professional who is qualified to conduct Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessments (EEOAs) for energy-intensive industrial facilities. The scheme also facilitates industrial companies regulated under the Energy Conservation Act (ECA), which are required to conduct EEOA at regular intervals, to identify competent professionals to assess the energy performance of their facilities and processes, and identify and recommend energy efficiency improvement opportunities through using better technologies or optimising operations.
2) What are the certification requirements for an EEO Assessor?
Please refer to the registration criteria.
3) How would the competency and conduct of the EEO Assessors be checked after their certification?
EEO Assessors agree to:
- abide by the EEO Assessor Code of Professional Practice and Conduct when they apply for certification
- discharge their duties in line with the regulations under the Energy Conservation Act
- observe the IES Code for Professional Conduct and Ethics as a professional registered under a scheme administered by the IES
Any breach of these Codes or the regulations under the Energy Conservation Act could warrant an investigation and disciplinary procedure by the SCEM-EEO Assessor Monitoring Committee.
4) What training avenues are there to prepare SCEMs for the role of an EEO Assessor?
To upskill an SCEM (with no energy audit experience) to satisfy EEO Assessor certification criteria, the following pathways are available:
- Attend energy audit course (e.g. ISO 50002), carry out internal energy audit for own company and produce an energy audit report guided by ISO 50002
- Practical hands-on programme conducted by IHL (currently being developed with SIT)
5) How are PDUs awarded for structured and unstructured activities?
Please refer to the IES’ PDU framework at https://www.charteredengineers.sg/continuing-professional-development-cpd-framework/
6) Can the parent company assign an In-House EEO Assessor to carry out EEOA for more than one subsidiary company (e.g. A group with multiple companies of different UENs)?
Yes, this is possible, provided that EEO Assessor is employed under the company for which he is conducting the EEOA for the duration of the EEOA, and be registered on the EEO Assessor Register as an In-House Assessor for the duration of the EEOA. The EEO Assessor has the responsibility to inform the Registry of changes in employment.
7) Can different companies (not under the same parent company) share an EEO Assessor?
In-house Assessors are employees nominated by their company’s senior management, and can only carry out EEOA for their employer company. On the other hand, independent EEO Assessors may be engaged by any company to carry out EEOAs for different companies.
8) For Joint-Ventures (JV), can an employee of one of parent companies taking part in a Joint-Venture (JV) be considered as In-house Assessor for the JV?
E.g. Company ABC is a Joint-Venture of Company X and Y. Mr Tan is an employee of Company X. Can he be considered as an In-house Assessor of Company ABC?
Yes, this is possible, provided that the in-house EEO Assessor is employed under the company for which he is conducting the EEOA for the duration of the EEOA, and be registered on the EEO Assessor Register as an In-House Assessor for the duration of the EEOA. The EEO Assessor has the responsibility to inform the Registry of changes in employment.
Updated 27th December 2019